Supports efficiently in the absorption and utilization of all medications, nutritional inputs, and antibiotics, leaving no residues on the cellular level or tissues.

Atovi is a Filipino-developed product based on nanotechnology on the level of e-potentials. It is a feed premix powder made from vitamins and minerals. However, it is radically different from conventional feed premixes in the market. It has no medication and nutritional value due to molecular alteration making the final product with one long molecular chain with revolutionary effects on the cellular level down to the atom and its sub-atomic structure restoring its genetic function, genetic code, genetic and cellular structure making it very efficient so as it can absorb and utilize all medication, nutritional inputs, antibiotics, and leaving no residues on the cellular level.
The technology can be administered to practically all animals, plants and crops, aquaculture species and bacteria.
Benefits of Atovi
Faster growing period
Increase profitability
Improves feed conversion or feed intake
Higher livability
Improved and enhanced breeding operations
More harvests per year
Good sizes of eggs and eggshell quality
Higher production rate
Longer laying period
Shorter molting period
Better absorption of nutrition and medication input leaving no chemical and antibiotic residue
Less farm operational expenses
The manure is instant fertilizer
Demand higher farm gate prices due to superior meat quality
Healthier and safer produce (meat, eggs, and milk)
Tastier and leaner meat/eggs/milk without the rancid smell
Less cholesterol
Thin back fat
High carcass percentage
Environment-friendly waste/less ammonia
How Atovi works
Atovi’s micro potential energy immediately charges the cells’ mitochondria (cells powerhouse), its own cellular structure down to atoms and its sub-atomic structure, and immediately runs the ATP pump to run the Krebs cycle, where all the nutritional values and medication inputs are being converted into different micro potential energy that is all cells of all organs (i.e. liver, kidneys, heart, intestinal tracts, muscles, bones, etc.) at all levels of the animal, making normal cells efficient while deteriorating and sickly cells are revitalized, rejuvenated, and restored ultimately making them efficient too. Once the body’s cells are very efficient, they automatically regenerate and increase the immune system and antibodies.
Atovi corrects and maintains the digestive system properly. Through this, all nutritional and medication inputs are absorbed and utilized properly and efficiently. Proof of this is the almost total absence of undigested proteins in the manure and the very low ammonia fumes which produce foul odors resulting in non-pathogenic and organic fecal waste where further decomposition is not needed. Since all nutrients, i.e. protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc., and medications are absorbed and utilized properly, the animal’s internal organs and glands also perform effectively. This results in enhanced metabolism. Further, there is a marked increase in growth and weight gain. Atovi induces natural detoxification or expulsion of harmful compounds or xenobiotics such as synthetic drugs, natural poisons, and antibiotics on the cellular level making the products like meat, eggs, and others free from antibiotics, chemical, and medication residues. With metabolism performing properly, the genetic potentials and performance, like that of the immune system, are strengthened. The animals have greater stamina. They do not easily contract diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. In cases when medications have to be administered, such medicines are readily absorbed and utilized ensuring faster recovery. Mortality is significantly lessened. Atovi is applied to all stages of animal raising, from breeding to fattening.
Atovi in Beneficial Bacteria and Waste Water Treatment
Wastewater contains organic materials and nutrients, as well as pollutants and microorganisms that are harmful to humans and wildlife. That is why all wastewater treatment plants are designed to take advantage of the decomposition of organic materials by bacterial activity. According to experts, bacteria break down this organic material and obtain energy and building material for cell growth.
As practiced, primary treatment involves the physical removal of debris and large particles from the wastewater. Upon the arrival of wastewater at the plant, it enters one of two pumping stations. Sewage enters a large caisson, where powerful pumps convey it into stilling basins. As the wastewater flows past, mechanical augers grind up large debris and filter it out for disposal.
Next, wastewater enters grit removal tanks, where sand, gravel, seeds, and coffee grounds settle to the bottom by gravity. The wastewater then flows into the primary settling basins, where smaller particles settle out and mechanical devices skim off oil and solids that float to the top.
After the removal of large particles and solids, the wastewater flows into aeration basins where it is constantly stirred to help introduce oxygen and promote bacterial growth. This process is called secondary treatment and the mass of bacterial cells generated is called activated sludge.
The beneficial bacteria will clean the water by digesting organic materials and other contaminants present in the wastewater, consuming oxygen, and releasing carbon dioxide.
The wastewater treatment plant will end up with a large amount of activated sludge (bacterial cell mass). The activated sludge (concentrated) will be placed in a large anaerobic digester designed to further treat the sludge using anaerobic bacteria.
But, after all these long procedures or processes, the desired result is not that satisfying because of the fact that harmful (anaerobic) bacteria can dominate the environment and in their decomposition process, produce hydrogen sulfide gas and similar by-products. In this case, beneficial bacteria will be eliminated because they also die from toxins.
In Atovi Nanotechnology, all the beneficial bacteria present in the wastewater will be charged with high micro potential energy, making them strong and immune to any pollutants or toxins. The technology promotes the regeneration of super strong beneficial bacteria, thus, neutralizing harmful microorganisms through the process of competitive inhibition and competitive exclusion.
The result is fully treated clean water, without traces of any chemicals, metals, toxins, and bad bacteria. When the water turns green, it is a sign that the marine ecosystem has been restored and it’s now suitable for fish and crustaceans culture.
Atovi and the Restoration of the Universal Ecosystem
One may wonder if there is such a thing as Universal Ecosystem. Of course, yes! Universal Ecosystem is the totality or umbrella of all the different types of ecosystems.
At present, degradation is observed in this entire ecosystem, and ecological restoration is very much needed as a corrective step to eliminate or modify causes of ecological degradation and bring back the natural processes that will renew ecosystems over time and sustain it.
Unfortunately, all this ecological degradation has a negative impact on the whole universal ecosystem. As long as methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) continue to evaporate, the ozone layer will continue to be affected. When there is no fermentation, no decomposition, and no emission or gases, carbon dioxide and methane are lessened or minimized. The Ozone layer will be spared.
People must realize the only key to lessening the damage to the universal ecosystem is the microorganism called “beneficial bacteria” which is present in the waters, soil, and atmosphere.
Yes, it is the beneficial bacteria that will do the job, but it has to be Super Beneficial Bacteria that are tough against toxins, which can only be created by Atovi Nanotechnology.
Atovi in Livestock Production
In livestock production, it is a common problem controlling pathogens, odors, and emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gases. It is because fresh manure produced by livestock operations contains the feed nutrients that animals were not able to use. This manure can contaminate the surface, ground waters, and the ozone layer. This is the reason farmers cannot use fresh animal manure as organic fertilizer unless decomposed. Manure is quickly decomposed under warm, moist soil conditions. But decomposition emits methane gas into the atmosphere which contributes to global warming and damage to the protective ozone layer.
Atovi Nanotechnology improves feed efficiency or conversion by maintaining a healthy gut, enhancing nutrient digestibility, and utilization. While inside the animal’s digestive system, the technology produces more super beneficial bacteria that can exterminate the group of bad bacteria due to the difference in frequency operations and electromagnetic field radiation. With the use of the technology, the animal feces is ammonia-free and already in an organic state once it comes out from the animal. Thus, there is no need to decompose, and also, no need to set up a biogas digester which is undeniably costly.
Atovi in Aquaculture
In aquaculture, the very problem for fish farmers is the water that contains pollutants and toxic substances detrimental to fish life and other species. The water source is already contaminated with discharge like mercury from industrial plants and raw garbage from public markets and homes. Fish kill has always been the reason for the downfall of many aquaculture operations because of hydrogen sulfide in water.
Hydrogen sulfide is produced when there is decay or decomposition of both plant and animal protein in the bottom as a result of bacterial action. While decomposing, dead algae and other plankton consume oxygen from the water. If sufficient quantities of oxygen are consumed, the fish may suffocate. The bottom soil turns black and a rotten smell is discharged if disturbed. Hydrogen sulfide can be expected in conditions where oxygen is depleted, organic material is present, and sulfate is available.
Atovi Nanotechnology can neutralize hydrogen sulfide in water through super beneficial bacteria. These good bacteria will break the chemical compound in water into single elements. The carbon dioxide will be attracted by the gravity force, for the consumption of plankton, which in turn will release oxygen
From a microbiological point of view, the production of hydrogen sulfide is balanced by processes involving a variety of bacteria, found in soil and water that can oxidize hydrogen sulfide to elemental sulfur. Among these are the filamentous bacteria, beggiatoa and thiothrix.
Photosynthetic bacteria belonging to the families chromatiaceae and cholorobeaceae oxidize hydrogen sulfide to elemental sulfur and sulfate in the presence of light and the absence of oxygen. Reduced sulfur compounds are also oxidized in nature by members of the genus thiobacillus. The end result of this oxidative activity is the production of sulfate which once formed, is extremely stable to further chemical activity in nature.
Atovi in Crop Production
In crop production, the soil is the foundation of everything. The soil contains an entire ecosystem of its own, with different levels of tiny creatures feeding on each other and leaving behind organic matter that nourishes and balances the soil for plant growth. Healthy soil contains bacteria and other microorganisms that improve soil structure and nutrient absorption. A teaspoon of agricultural soil contains 100 million to 1 billion bacteria. Some bacteria, known as decomposers, break down fresh plant material and convert it into substances useful to plants and other organisms. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which attach themselves to plant roots, consume sugars from the plant and convert airborne nitrogen into forms that plants can use. Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate, which is a form of nitrogen useful to grasses and crops.
During the decomposition process, some bacteria produce a sticky substance that improves soil structure, air and water circulation, and nutrient retention. Some bacteria break down chemical pollutants in the soil or prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Plants that host nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots add nitrogen to the soil as they decompose.
But then again, when there is decomposition or fermentation, methane and carbon dioxide are produced. Not to forget that bacteria also die from toxins, like insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides concentrated in the soil.
Atovi Nanotechnology brings back the organic state of soil in 3 weeks through these super-beneficial bacteria without damaging the universal ecosystem. The technology will increase and charge these bacteria to become super beneficial bacteria. All harmful elements in the soil, including harmful bacteria, will be reconfigured to become useful and good microorganisms.