How to use Atovi on Layers
Dosage and Application
Mix 1 tablespoon (10 grams) of Atovi in 4 liters of water or ½ teaspoon (2.5 grams) of Atovi per liter of water.
Ihalo ang 1 kutsarang Atovi (10 gramo) kada 4 litrong tubig o 1/2 kutsaritang Atovi (2.5 gramo) kada 1 litrong tubig.
Bigger eggs with thick shells
Fast growing period
Less feed cost
No rancid smell
Productive years never go down from 3 years given proper nutrition
Uninterrupted egg production even during the molting period
Eggs are tastier, safer, and has good cholesterol
Improves feed conversion or feed intake
High resistance against diseases
More harvests per year
Better absorption of nutrition and medication input leaving no chemical and antibiotic residue
Less farm operational expenses
The manure are instant fertilizer
Environment-friendly waste/less ammonia