How to use Atovi on Aqua
Dosage and Application
For every hectare of fishpond, apply 1 kilogram of Atovi weekly. At fingerlings stage, apply Atovi in the pond or tank water.. Once it reaches the juvenile and adult stage, apply 1 tablespoon (10 grams) of Atovi in every bucket of feeds.
Maglagay ng 1 kilong Atovi sa bawat ektarya ng pond. Maglagay ng Atovi weekly sa pond water. Kung semilya pa lang, pond/tank water ang lalagyan ng Atovi. Pagsapit sa gulang na juvenile at adult stage ay maglalagay na rin ng Atovi sa feeds o sa anumang ipinapakain, sa dosage na 1 kutsarang Atovi (10 gramo) sa bawat timba na pagkain.
Strong immune system
Faster recovery from diseases
Combats and prevents all kinds of diseases
Superior meat quality, taste, and texture
No rancid smell
Significantly reduces fishkill/mortality
Fast hydrogen sulfide neutralization
Strong resistance against extreme temperatures, diseases, parasites, and bacteria
Flushes out heavy metals on the cellular level
Provides life support in long-distance transportation
Faster growth
Healthier, safer, tastier, and more nutritious
Free from traces of hormone and heavy metals
Maintained safe water quality
Higher livability
Healthier, safer, and tastier
Higher production
Maintains sufficient dissolved oxygen supply